How To Port Forward Contagion

Most routers feature a web interface. Thus, to access your router pages, you will need a web browser like Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Open your choice browser and proceed as follows to port forward Contagion.

  • Find the address bar and replace it with your router’s IP address then press Enter. This action will open a window prompting you to enter your login credentials.
  • Log in with your router’s default credentials if you have not changed them in the past.
  • Navigate to the port forwarding section and create a port forward entry as follows:
  • Enter the port number as 27015
  • Select both the TCP and UDP port protocols
  • Enter the IP address to which you are forwarding the ports.
  • Restart your router to effect the above changes.
  • Once your ports are open, you can allow other users to connect to your server through the console using the ‘’connect IP’’ command or by adding the server to their favorites as follows:
  • Go to Find Game
  • Open the Server Browser and click the Favorites tab.
  • Click add server and paste in the IP then click Add Server to Favorites.

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